Fissidens sp. "Mini Nobilis"

Fissidens sp. "Mini Nobilis"

Catalog Number
This small Fissidens moss entered the trade as Fissidens nobilis or F. nobilis "Mini" but belongs with certainty not to the much larger, stronger species Fissidens nobilis from Asia. belongs to a different species. It develops about 2 mm broad shoots that are densely set with tiny leaves. With time, it forms thick, fluffy cushions of many shoots. In the aquarium, Fissidens sp. "Mini Nobilis" grows slowly and benefits from a good supply of macro- and micronutrients and CO2. The small shoots are best tied to driftwood, rock or ceramic moss pads. Alternatively, you can also squeeze them into cracks of wood or stones. When the moss cushions have grown too thick, they should be thinned out or cut back a little as otherwise they may eventually detach from the support. With its cushionlike growth and fine, feather-like structure, this yet unidentified Fissidens species is an eyecatcher in aquariums, also in nano tanks.
Small, filigree Fissidens Fine, feather-like structure Forms thick, fluffy cushions Very rare in trade
Rare Plants
Carbon Dioxide
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