Bougainvillea Plant Tissue Culture

Bougainvillea Plant Tissue Culture

Bougainvillea plants are flowering plants of the Thymelaeceae, Nyctaginaeeae family, of which most are climbing vines or shrubs, except for B. arborescens, which is native to Brazil and can grow to a height of 15 m as a tall tree. Bougainvillea plants were introduced from South America to Europe in the 19th century for their high ornamental value, and from Europe to Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries.

Bougainvillea plantBougainvillea plant in full bloom, with bright pink flowers
The subsequent genetic engineering breeding carried out by
the client was based on the efficient transformation system
based on tissue culture provided by us.

Bougainvillea plants can be used as vines for climbing galleries, trellises, walls, arbors, hedges, high wall coverings, arches, shade shelters, etc. to form three-dimensional flowers. It is often pruned and can be cultivated as a shrub for hedges and other arrangements, or as a landscape tree if it is pruned and allowed to grow into a small tree, forming a staked landscape. Bougainvillea plants are also excellent for bonsai, depending on their flowering and branching characteristics.

Bougainvillea plants have brightly colored leafy bracts, unique flower shapes, and large, long-lasting flowers, making them highly ornamental. In some regions, the Bougainvillea plant is used as cut flowers, and the flowers and leaves of the Bougainvillea plant are also used as herbal remedies to clear heat and detoxify the body, dispel blood stasis and reduce swelling, and become a good medicine for gynecological diseases.

Tissue culture service

Bougainvillea plants, especially cultivars are extremely difficult to set fruit when cultivated in certain areas, and their conventional propagation is often done by cuttings, sometimes by grafting and crimping. However, its conventional propagation proliferation coefficient is small, rooting time is long, propagation time is limited by the season and other unfavorable factors. For some new species with scarce quantity and some species that are difficult to root by cuttings, it is difficult to obtain a large number of seedlings to meet the market demand in a short time by traditional propagation methods.

Bougainvillea plant tissue culture process - Lifeasible

Lifeasible' rapid tissue culture propagation service can obtain a large number of high-quality Bougainvillea plants with the same genotype in a short period of time. It is a highly efficient way to propagate Bougainvillea plants on a large scale while maintaining the excellent characteristics of the mother plant and preventing degradation of the variety and producing seedlings regardless of the season.

In addition, our established Bougainvillea plant regeneration system can also provide an effective genetic transformation system for its trait improvement.

  • Selection of explants

The explants used in our successful tissue culture of Bougainvillea plants are mainly stemmed tips, stem segments, lateral buds, leaves, and floral organs, with stem tips and stem segments being the most commonly used.

  • Basic culture medium

The most common basic media we use in the tissue culture of Bougainvillea plants are MS, 1/2 MS, 1/4 MS, WPM, and B5.

  • Growth regulating substances

In the tissue culture of Bougainvillea plants, the plant growth regulators we commonly use are BA, 2,4-D, IAA, IBA, NAA, KT, etc.

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For research use only, not intended for any clinical use.
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