This water-starwort was once found in a slowly flowing stream near Brunswick in Lower Saxonia, and we have noticed that it grows well in aquariums. It is probably the Various-leaved water-starwort, Callitriche platycarpa. This species belongs to the Callitriche palustris species group and is widespread in Europe, forming large cushion-like stands in nutrient-rich, calcareous rivers and streams. However our plant is not yet reliably identified, therefore the "cf. " in the name.
In our aquariums, this Callitriche grows well year-round with temperatures up to 26℃, complete macro- and micronutrient supply, CO2 addition and rather strong lighting. Its growth is quite fast. The fine, delicate shoots grow bushy, partly horizontal, with many water roots. When the stem tips reach the surface, they form floating rosettes with spathulate leaves. Occasional trimming and replanting of stem tips leads to more compact growth.
This Callitriche, native to Central Europe, forms at least 30 cm high bushes. It is especially interesting for well-lit cold water and biotope aquariums, but apparently it is also suitable for moderately warm tropical aquariums. It resembles Rotala rotundifolia 'Green' but has a more delicate structure, with much thinner stems. In open tanks and in the water part of paludariums also its floating rosettes look very decorative.
Delicate, light green stem plant
Bushy growth
Especially recommended for cold water aquariums
Carbon Dioxide