Bucephalandra sp. "Catarina"

Bucephalandra sp. "Catarina"

Catalog Number
This very decorative Bucephalandra is produced by European nurseries and in-vitro labs. Despite its trading name "Catarina" it certainly does not belong to the species Bucephalandra catherineae but probably Bucephalandra sordidula. The elongate leaves have a ruffled edge and show brown-red tones. All Bucephalandras originate from the island of Borneo where they grow as rheophytes (adapted to strong current) on rock in the flood zones of rainforest streams. Bucephalandra species and forms are primarily epiphytes on rock or wood where they attach themselves by their roots. They can also be fixed to the bottom, however the rhizome must not be buried to avoid rotting. The plant will root on its own and benefit from the nutrients in the substrate. The growth is generally slow to very slow. Bucephalandras cope with poor light conditions, however they develop their most beautiful look with medium lighting, good water current and constant nutrient and CO2 supply. They also tolerate strong lighting, sufficient CO2 and nutrient supply provided. The favourable temperature range is about 20 to 27℃. Bucephalandras are easily propagated by cutting terminal and side shoots that also promotes the ramification of the plant.
Narrow leaves with strongly undulate margins Coppery red hues Creeping habit
Middle Ground
Carbon Dioxide
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