This is an undemanding Aponogeton species, long known in the aquarium hobby but rarely available in trade. This tuber-forming submerged plant is widespread in tropical Asia (India to Malaysia). The decorative, quite transparent leaves are lanceolate to strap-shaped with undulate margin and are arranged in an at least 40 cm tall leaf rosette. They have a grid-like nervature and scattered square fields with lighter green tone.
Typical of Aponogeton undulatus is its unusual mode of propagation: on the ends of long, partly branched stalks mostly adventitious plantlets with small tubers appear instead of flower spikes. So it is much easier multiplied than many other Aponogetons. It is a quite undemanding plant, still growing in tanks without CO2 supply; however a nutrient-rich bottom is recommendable. Another advantage of A. undulatus is that it mostly has no dormant phase. It prefers higher temperatures above 24℃.
Aponogeton undulatus is well suited as solitary plant or small group in the midground to background. It looks best in taller tanks of at least 100 litres and fits well e.g. in Asia biotope tanks that are inspired by overgrown standing waters.
Decorative solitary plant
Rarely available in trade
Little demands
Mostly no dormant phase
Easy propagation
Carbon Dioxide