Aponogeton crispus

Aponogeton crispus

Catalog Number
Aponogeton crispus originates from partly periodic ponds and small lakes in southern India and Sri Lanka. It has about 30-50 cm long, wavy submerged leaves on a bulb and is quite variable. There are green and brown-red forms. The decorative flower spikes appear separately (not in pairs) on the peduncles and have many small white, pink or ligt violet flowers. A. crispus is long known in the aquarium hobby as a decorative, fast growing plant. This Aponogeton is quite easy to keep but needs a well-lit place and nutrient-rich bottom. Soft, slightly acidic water is optimal; in harder water CO2 injection is recommendable. The plant takes occasionally a dormant period; after that, new leaves will grow from the bulb. Aponogeton crispus prefers high temperatures (25-32℃). It is propagated most productively by seeds. With its up to 50 cm long leaves, Aponogeton crispus is best used as solitary plant or small, loose group in the background or midground of correspondingly large aquaria. Its conspicuous flower spikes look well on the water surface of open tanks. Its preference for higher temperatures makes Aponogeton crispus well suitable for Discus tanks.
Fast-growing Aponogeton from Asia Wavy, long leaves White, pink or light purple flower spikes Suitable for high temperatures
Middle Ground
Carbon Dioxide
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