Aponogeton capuronii comes from fast-flowing rivers in the southeastern part of Madagascar. This species is variable, and mostly a form with strongly frilled, decorative leaves is available in trade. The strap-shaped leaves are somewhat transparent, show olive green tones and get about 30-50 cm long. As well as other Aponogetons from Madagascar, A. capuronii is mostly imported as a bulb without leaves that will sprout in the aquarium.
Capuron's Aponogeton is quite demanding. It prefers cooler temperatures of about 18-24℃ and softer, slightly acid water with pH values around 5-6.5. Also good water current is beneficial.
This Aponogeton species is relatively rare in trade. With its frilled, strap-shaped leaves it looks very decorative as a solitary plant or small group in the background to midground of not too small aquariums.
Decorative Aponogeton from Madagascar
Strongly curled, transparent leaves
About 30-50 cm tall
Relatively rare in trade